Kamis, Februari 07, 2008

Inspirita Publishing in a nut-shell

Inspirita Publishing is one of Indonesian-language publishers. Founded in the late 2007 and domiciled in Tangerang Indonesia, Inspirita is dedicated to specifically serving a growing number of book consumers in Indonesia.

Today, Inspirita Publishing is making its best efforts to build itself into a truly established local publishing company by taking its first steps towards achieving its goal through selecting several English books in parenting, business, and literary commercial fiction to be translated and published in Indonesia. And simultaneously, Inspirita is also confirming significant contacts with local professional book translators to responsibly and properly provide an accurate and idiomatic translation . In addition, Inspirita Publishing is commited to respecting for the rights of both foreign publishers and writers' rights.

Consistently at the forefront of its future development, Inspirita Publishing is expanding its contact with several established publishers overseas as well as with a few prominent local writers. However, being a new comer in business, Inspirita is placing only short-listed books to publish in 2008 and is expecting to place longer list in the up coming years.

In order to meet its local consumer books demand, Inspirita is focusing its current distribution efforts throughout Indonesia and aiming other Malay-speaking countires such as Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore to expand and generate additional business opportunities.

Inspirta is proud to announce: Preventing Hazing By Susan Lipkins as its initial publication.

We are young but we are ambitious.

Best Regards

Inspirita Publishing

4 komentar:

Ruhe mengatakan...

Kira-kira tulisan-tulisan eyke disini: http://theuntouchable-ruhe.blogspot.com/ bisa dijadiin buku gak ya?...Wakakakakak

Papa Dedi mengatakan...


Papa Dedi mengatakan...

inspiring............that's the word.

Papa Dedi mengatakan...

bagus bos...........